ED312 - Teaching to the Learning Styles of Allied Health Students

Have you been frustrated in your allied health classes when students don't "get it"? Have you tried repeatedly to teach a difficult student and it didn't seem to work? Sometimes it is a difference in learning styles that creates this misunderstanding. In this themed course, you will learn the eight different learning styles of your health students as well as how to teach to them in a variety of practical ways that are fast, easy and effective. This course follows an interesting "fairy tale format," with several characters you will meet here and may see in your classroom.


Course Reviews

Course Rating
"As a first time teacher, this was incredibly helpful. I had heard about all the different ways to learn but I hadn't really used the information or even thought about using that information to help me become a better teacher. I will definitely use this information and I am excited to implement these techniques on my next set of students."
"Really helpful course and provided better insight into learning styles."
"Enjoyed this topic and I will be implementing the suggestions next term."
"I found this course very interesting and very useful as a tool to grow as an instructor. Thank you!"
"Great course. I really liked the story aspect :)"
"I really enjoyed this course and look forward to applying what I've learned in the classroom!"
"Excellent course! All instructors should take this course yearly and new instructors should take it prior to teaching. "
"It was enlightening, detailed, and gave different teaching strategies for a variety of students."
"This course will assist me greatly in teaching courses in college. My students range in age from 18 to 60. I really found this course useful as I learned new methods for teaching this diverse population."
"I am new to teaching vocational nursing students. I will keep a copy of this course as a reference for the start of my teaching career."
"This was a really good module about learning styles. The module was well developed and provided new information in a delightful manner (story). It also provided some very practical ways of using learning styles to improve both instruction and learning."
"This was the one of the most interesting courses. I learned a lot. "
"This course is excellent as an online course. I would suggest this course to others. I will implement the methodology taught in this course in my next classes."

Course Structure

Course Format

  • Can Start Anytime
  • Self-paced (within course enrollment timeframe)
  • 4 Hours of Activities

Completion Requirements

  • Study Course Content
  • Pass ALL Required Quizzes

Certificate of Completion

  • 4 Hours of Continuing Education
  • Available for download at the end of the course

Technology Requirements

  • A Web browser with JavaScript and cookies enabled
  • Adobe Flash Player
  • Speakers or headphones

Course Objectives

Module 1: Operationalizing Educational Theory in Your Classes

  • Discuss the theory of multiple intelligences.
  • Compare the first four of the eight frames of mind.
  • Contrast four additional frames of mind.
  • Analyze some interactive methods to teach a variety of learners with different learning styles.

Module 2: Make Educational Theory Relevant in Your Classes

  • Describe the theory of multiple intelligences.
  • Compare and contrast the final four of the eight frames of mind.
  • Analyze sample teaching methods that appeal to different styles of learners.
  • Discuss how each mode of thinking has specific ways it finds easiest to learn.

Module 3: How to Assess and Utilize a Learner's Favorite Frame of Mind

  • Use a quick assessment technique to determine which frame of mind is the favorite of a learner.
  • Compare ways to use a variety of methods to reach diverse students.
  • Discuss the relationship between how one learns a hobby versus how one learns in school.
  • Analyze why one wants to personalize teaching to student need.

Module 4: Follow-up Plans for Student Learning

  • Discuss the importance of the learning process from start to finish.
  • Compare a variety of ways to get the learners to continue learning after class time is over.
  • Describe a way to connect with students by email for follow-up after class is over.
  • List the benefits of an email postcard.

Module 5: Community TV

  • NA

Lounge Group

This course provides you with a lifelong peer-to-peer learning opportunity through a specific Performance Group created within the Career College Lounge, a learning community of career college professionals. This allows you to learn and share with your peers at any time you want, even after you complete the course.

Go to the Performance Group for this Course

How to Enroll

  1. Buy Enrollment Keys

  2. Enter an enrollment key in the field above.

  3. Click "Enroll".