ED206 - Teaching in the Lab and Shop Environment

The classroom in an educational institution is often more than just chairs, books, and a white board. Frequently the learning takes place in a lab or shop environment, where the traditional rules of classroom management and teaching may not always apply. This course covers the instructional techniques necessary for the non-traditional classroom, including strategies for teaching to each student's individual learning style. In addition, this course describes strategies for assessing student progress. Safety guidelines and considerations for specific lab and shop environments are identified.


Course Reviews

Course Rating
"The content was VERY rich and applicable to the learning environment for our institution. "
"Great information!"
"This course had a lot of information I will use in my lab grading procedures."
"This course was extremely educational and informative to me as a clinical laboratory instructor."
"The course was a great course. I have learned some skills to implement in my lab to help my students."
"This course was extremely useful for a learning environment in lab"
"The learning styles are very helpful to verify how students skillset are influenced. Learning styles are considered a strength for learners. "

Course Structure

Course Format

  • Can Start Anytime
  • Self-paced (within course enrollment timeframe)
  • 4 Hours of Activities

Completion Requirements

  • Study Course Content
  • Pass ALL Required Quizzes

Certificate of Completion

  • 4 Hours of Continuing Education
  • Available for download at the end of the course

Technology Requirements

  • A Web browser with JavaScript and cookies enabled
  • Adobe Flash Player
  • Speakers or headphones

Course Objectives

  • Become familiar with competency-based education and its pros and cons.

  • Learn teaching strategies for lab environments.

  • Become familiar with ways to evaluate student progress.

  • Learn about considerations for specific lab and shop environments, including safety.

Lounge Group

This course provides you with a lifelong peer-to-peer learning opportunity through a specific Performance Group created within the Career College Lounge, a learning community of career college professionals. This allows you to learn and share with your peers at any time you want, even after you complete the course.

Go to the Performance Group for this Course

How to Enroll

  1. Buy Enrollment Keys

  2. Enter an enrollment key in the field above.

  3. Click "Enroll".