ED202 - Teaching English Language Learners

As previously homogenous communities become more diverse and the population of English language learners in educational institutions increases, educators need to provide services that give such learners opportunities for academic success equal to those provided to native English speakers. This course provides information about teaching English language learners, including the legal and cultural considerations instructors must take into account and ways to show respect for cultural differences and diversity. The course will explore the factors affecting how English language learners learn, and will provide strategies and techniques for instruction and motivation. This course will also cover how best to assess students for content-area knowledge and language proficiency.


Course Reviews

Course Rating
"I enjoyed the course and learned more about ELL students with all the information that was provided in this course."
"This course has been beneficial to my professional teaching position. I have many students that have issues with English as a second language. Many of them know their profession in their own language but are not able to translate into English effectively. This course taught me how to get a better angle from the student's point-of-view and in teaching."
"Thank you very much for this eye opening course. I will use what I have learned here."
"As a business instructor with ELL students in my classroom, this course content was highly valuable. "
"Great information- thought provoking."
"This course has been helpful and it made me think of the importance of teachers who speak other languages. I am a native Spanish speaker and I have taught English and Spanish for several years. Teaching ESL is a rewarding experience because learners feel empowered when they are able to communicate and showcase their independence. "
"This course provided some helpful reminders for working with culturally diverse students."

Course Structure

Course Format

  • Can Start Anytime
  • Self-paced (within course enrollment timeframe)
  • 4 Hours of Activities

Completion Requirements

  • Study Course Content
  • Pass ALL Required Quizzes

Certificate of Completion

  • 4 Hours of Continuing Education
  • Available for download at the end of the course

Technology Requirements

  • A Web browser with JavaScript and cookies enabled
  • Adobe Flash Player
  • Speakers or headphones

Course Objectives

  • Learn about teaching English language learners, including legal and cultural considerations.

  • Explore the factors affecting how English language learners learn.

  • Learn about strategies and techniques for teaching English language learners.

  • Explore assessment of English language learners.

  • Consider ways to show respect for culture differences and diversity.

Lounge Group

This course provides you with a lifelong peer-to-peer learning opportunity through a specific Performance Group created within the Career College Lounge, a learning community of career college professionals. This allows you to learn and share with your peers at any time you want, even after you complete the course.

Go to the Performance Group for this Course

How to Enroll

  1. Buy Enrollment Keys

  2. Enter an enrollment key in the field above.

  3. Click "Enroll".