ED125 - Effective and Efficient Instructional Strategies

Planning Effective and Efficient Instruction provides new and experienced instructors with practical ways to design and deliver learning experiences that establish an environment that facilitates learning. The course summarizes important academic concepts while providing specific strategies for planning lessons, reaching learners, asking questions and assessing student mastery of the course and program objectives.


Course Reviews

Course Rating
"This course had valuable information which will aid in conducting a better learning environment for my class. I really enjoyed the learning material. "
"Good Course!!! I like the way you brought in Bloom's Taxonomy in the discussion. "
"This course offered great information that can be applied to higher education."
"This is one of the best courses I have taken. I really enjoyed the information on assessment questions."
"This was an exceptionally practical course and well thought through from the perspective of experience. I enjoyed it."
"Great subject. Very informative!"
"This course provided me with techniques on how to interact with different generations of students. I found this extremely helpful since I deal with students ranging in age from 18 to 60."
"This lesson is very well presented - the effective initiating of the beginning of class and ending of class, questioning, making effective test questions, and understanding how it all affects the students of today’s technology oriented era."
"Great course! Very informative and very helpful to instructors."
"Very insightful and provides ideas how an instructor can be efficient in classroom management and maximize student's learning potential "
"This training course helped me broaden my tools for presenting class material to students. The training course also assisted in sharing several methods of involving the class in lecture and lab environments. Finally, the modules gave numerous testing techniques for effectively testing various types of topic material. "
"I enjoyed learning about test questions and the proper way to incorporate them."
"I have taken many of these courses and all have been very good. I have gained much knowledge from each and every course I have taken. This course far exceeded my expectations. I would recommend taking this course multiple times."

Course Structure

Course Format

  • Can Start Anytime
  • Self-paced (within course enrollment timeframe)
  • 4 Hours of Activities

Completion Requirements

  • Study Course Content
  • Pass ALL Required Quizzes

Certificate of Completion

  • 4 Hours of Continuing Education
  • Available for download at the end of the course

Technology Requirements

  • A Web browser with JavaScript and cookies enabled
  • Adobe Flash Player
  • Speakers or headphones

Course Objectives

Module 1: Planning Impactful Lessons

  • Recognize the importance of teaching with a motivational attitude.
  • Identify key elements of a well-planned educational experience.
  • Apply course concepts to design lessons that include a strong introductory experience.
  • Design and effectively deliver course content through interactive discussions.
  • Organize and deliver lessons with a motivating closing activity.

Module 2: Leveraging Technology for Student Success

  • Identify and develop learning activities based on the unique learning styles of Net Generation Learners.
  • Recognize the advantages of incorporating technology to engage students.
  • Design technology-based assignments to facilitate student achievement.
  • Manage learning experiences through providing choices and consequences.

Module 3: Planning Effective Questions

  • Recognize the importance of well-planned questions to student success.
  • Develop more effective questions.
  • Identify effective and ineffective question types.
  • Prepare questions to apply course material above the knowledge and comprehension levels.

Module 4: Measuring Student Mastery

  • Identify the advantages and disadvantages of various types of test questions.
  • Formulate properly written True/False questions that test students’ knowledge and comprehension.
  • Design multiple choice questions and matching questions that effectively measure student learning.
  • Format tests and quizzes that promote academic integrity.
  • Recognize the advantages and limitations of completion and free response questions.

Module 5: Community TV

  • NA

Lounge Group

This course provides you with a lifelong peer-to-peer learning opportunity through a specific Performance Group created within the Career College Lounge, a learning community of career college professionals. This allows you to learn and share with your peers at any time you want, even after you complete the course.

Go to the Performance Group for this Course

How to Enroll

  1. Buy Enrollment Keys

  2. Enter an enrollment key in the field above.

  3. Click "Enroll".