ED120 - Nonverbal Communication in the Classroom

Studies reveal that as much as 85% of classroom communication is nonverbal. This course consists of eight entertaining modules that include audio tracks, animation and interactivity. Topics include the importance of nonverbal communication in the classroom, as well as our everyday lives. The modules describe the use of body language, effective vocal cues, proper appearance and the effective use of space (proxemics) and time (chronemics). A variety of support materials accompany the modules, including an assessment tool that instructors can use to evaluate their nonverbal skills.


Course Reviews

Course Rating
"Great ideas! Effective use of nonverbal communication is very important in and out of work -- I think many people will utilize what they learned here in their everyday lives as well as on the job."
"This is by far the best course I've taken. I saw myself doing these things as I learned about them. I know that in the future it will help me to have a positive effect and outcome on my students."
"Excellent course. Thank you."
"I enjoyed taking this course. The course content was challenging, and reinforced the extent of knowledge successful educators must possess."
"This was a GREAT course!!! Loved it!!!!!!!!!"
"This course reinforced the crucial role of semantics and learning. I have become more aware of my nonverbal communication so that I can more effectively capture the attention of my students."
"This course was extremely interesting! I can't wait to integrate what I have learned into my pedagogy! Thank you so very much!"
"I found the course to be quite helpful. I'm going to pay a lot more attention to my nonverbal cues in the future."
"I did greatly enjoy this course. I believe that it will help me further develop as an educator."
"I enjoyed the course. There are many tools that I will be able to use in my class. I learned a lot about myself and my body language. The course was very useful. "
"I am going to ask all of my instructors to take this course! I could identify them in this course and feel it will really help them in a positive way!"
"This course will enhance communication and teaching and impact students' learning and success. Instructors will be aware of verbal and non verbal communication during interactions and will be able to identify and address individual needs of learners."
"This course was extremely informative and helpful. I will recommend it to my colleagues."
"The course was informative and helpful. It was presented well and kept my interest. The information presented will be a benefit to me in my future teaching."
"This is/was the most meaningful course I've had in ten years!"
"Great reinforcement of concepts I had an idea about and wanted to delve into more. The concepts learned have already helped me in the classroom."
"This course has been very beneficial to me as an instructor. I spent most of the time during the course reflecting and evaluating my non-verbal communication behaviors. I will definitely be making some changes immediately. "
"Loved the animation. This course will make me more cognizant of my non verbal cues and how that impacts my students. Great course"
"I have always loved your online training quizzes this one was challenging and took me longer to complete but I learned a lot. Thank you. "

Course Structure

Course Format

  • Can Start Anytime
  • Self-paced (within course enrollment timeframe)
  • 4 Hours of Activities

Completion Requirements

  • Study Course Content
  • Pass ALL Required Quizzes

Certificate of Completion

  • 4 Hours of Continuing Education
  • Available for download at the end of the course

Technology Requirements

  • A Web browser with JavaScript and cookies enabled
  • Adobe Flash Player
  • Speakers or headphones

Course Objectives

  • To become familiar with the concept of nonverbal communication.

  • To review reasons why nonverbal communication (NV) is important in everyday life.

  • To review reasons why nonverbal communication (NV) is important in the classroom.

  • To become familiar with the element of nonverbal communication known as kinesics.

  • To become familiar with four more elements of nonverbal communication: vocal cues; proxemics, appearance; and chronemics.

  • To learn how nonverbal cues have been shown to improve cognitive and affective outcomes in several subject areas and to become familiar with the concept of “immediacy.”

  • To summarize what you have learned by reviewing the first 15 to 30 tips concerning the implementation of nonverbal communication in the classroom.

  • To summarize what you have learned by reviewing the last 15 to 30 tips concerning the implementation of nonverbal communication in the classroom.

Lounge Group

This course provides you with a lifelong peer-to-peer learning opportunity through a specific Performance Group created within the Career College Lounge, a learning community of career college professionals. This allows you to learn and share with your peers at any time you want, even after you complete the course.

Go to the Performance Group for this Course

How to Enroll

  1. Buy Enrollment Keys

  2. Enter an enrollment key in the field above.

  3. Click "Enroll".