Certified Course
FERPA and Privacy: A Practical Approach

In conjunction with the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, MaxKnowledge has been honored by the 1EdTech Consortium as a Learning Impact Award Finalist for scaling pedagogical knowledge and practice through evidence-based technology.

MaxKnowledge Founder & CEO, Dr. Amir Moghadam, has been named as one of Career College Central's top 12 innovators leaping forward with ideas that have influenced the career education realm.

MaxKnowledge Chief Learning Officer, Tarlon Moghadam, has been named as one of Career Education Review's top 20 leaders changing career education.

In collaboration with the Universal Technical Institute, an independent evaluation study by the ROI Institute® proved the ROI of MaxKnowledge employee training on student retention to be over 500%.
Performance Group
This course provides you with a lifelong peer-to-peer learning opportunity through a specific Performance Group created within the Career Ed Lounge, a learning community of career education professionals. This allows you to learn and share with your peers at any time you want, even after you complete the course.
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Course Testimonials
Course Objectives
Module 1: FERPA Fundamentals
- Describe the basic fundamentals of FERPA
- Describe the elements which determine if an item is considered an "educational record" protected under FERPA
- List items which establish a data element as "personally identifiable"
- Describe conditions categorizing an item as "sole possession"
- List the student rights outlined in FERPA guidelines
- Identify who is considered a school official
- Explain the criteria that establish "legitimate educational interest"
Module 2: FERPA Compliance
- List the items required as part of a school's annual disclosure
- Identify items that MAY be included as Directory Information
- Identify items can NEVER be included as Directory Information
- Describe what a student can request for non-disclosure
- Identify the exceptions whereby an institution may release information without student consent
Module 3: FERPA in Action
- Describe the requirements for an institution to release information to a student
- Identify requirements for handling releases
- Explain how and when a student may opt out of sharing Directory Information
- Describe limitations on items that cannot be released
- Define what stage in the enrollment cycle triggers FERPA compliance
Module 4: FERPA Challenges to Consider
- Identify challenges related to student activities and participation in committees
- Explain how and which vendors are accountable to meet FERPA standards
- Explain how to handle potentially conflicting regulations
- Identify when HIPAA, Solomon Amendment, or Gramm-Leach-Bliley guidelines prevail over FERPA
- Identify strategies to handle FERPA risks related to online learning environments
- List technology resources that schools should address as part of their efforts to maintain FERPA compliance
Course Structure
Course Format
- Can Start Anytime
- Self-paced (within course enrollment timeframe)
- 4 Hours of Activities
Completion Requirements
- Study Course Content
- Pass ALL Required Quizzes
Digital Badge & Certificate of Completion
- 4 Hours of Continuing Education
- Awarded upon successful completion of course
Course Rating
Certification Credits
- This course provides a Certificate of Completion with 4 hours of continuing education credits.
This course provides credit toward the Certified Higher Education Professional (CHEP) credential in the following specialization area(s):
- CHEP in Admissions
- CHEP in Campus Operations
- CHEP in Career Services
- CHEP in Leadership
- CHEP in Online Teaching
- CHEP in Teaching
- This course provides credit toward the continuing education requirements for CHEPs in all areas of specialization.