Course Testimonials
"This course will help me in the future!"
"I believe this course will help me with a new phase our business is taking. Helping my employees to set goals and find ways to achieve them successfully."
"This course made me take a look at myself and hopefully I will be able to apply the principles from this course."
"Excellent course for managers!"
"The course has helped to identify my weaknesses as a coach. I will utilize these best practices going forward."
"Great addition of worksheets at the end of the course. These will definitely come in handy."
"I found this course quite applicable to classroom situations as well as when managing employees. I want the best from my students all the time -- coaching can help me get there."
"I really liked this course. It will help me be more organized when it comes to coaching a big team."
"I enjoyed this course. I learned many things I did not already know. I believe this course will help me coach employees more effectively."
"I believe the course was well structured and provided excellent situational examples to help guide coaching improvements."
"This was an excellent training course that every administrator should take to improve the effectiveness and the culture of their company. "